Buchkapitel (106)

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Hertwig, R., Pleskac, T. J., & Pachur, T. (2019). Reckoning with uncertainty: Our program of research. In R. Hertwig, T. J. Pleskac, T. Pachur, & the Center for Adaptive Rationality, Taming uncertainty (pp. 3–25). MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/11114.003.0004
Hertwig, R., Woike, J. K., Pachur, T., & Brandstätter, E. (2019). The robust beauty of heuristics in choice under uncertainty. In R. Hertwig, T. J. Pleskac, T. Pachur, & the Center for Adaptive Rationality, Taming uncertainty (pp. 29–50). MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/11114.003.0006
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Lejarraga, T., Woike, J. K., & Hertwig, R. (2019). Experiences and descriptions of financial uncertainty: Are they equivalent? In R. Hertwig, T. J. Pleskac, T. Pachur, & the Center for Adaptive Rationality, Taming uncertainty (pp. 191–205). MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/11114.003.0015
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Pleskac, T. J., Hertwig, R., Leuker, C., & Conradt, L. (2019). Using risk-reward structures to reckon with uncertainty. In R. Hertwig, T. J. Pleskac, T. Pachur, & the Center for Adaptive Rationality, Taming uncertainty (pp. 51–70). MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/11114.003.0007
Schulze, C., & Pachur, T. (2019). Going round in circles: How social structures guide and limit search. In R. Hertwig, T. J. Pleskac, T. Pachur, & the Center for Adaptive Rationality, Taming uncertainty (pp. 71–88). MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/11114.003.0008
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