Musik…..educates! – chamber music at the MPIB | Slawische Winde
- Date: Feb 19, 2025
- Time: 07:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin
- Room: Foyer
- Host: MPIB in Zusammenarbeit mit Konzerleben e.V.

Music.....educates! - is the motto of our concert series at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development with internationally recognised artists in cooperation with Konzertleben e.V..
Here, the evening promises that education can be pure enjoyment at the same time. Four excellent and internationally acclaimed musicians will present pieces from Gideon Klein, Maurice Ravel und Johannes Brahms.
Tickets can be purchased on or at the box office.
Admission € 20.- (employees, children, other entitled persons € 10.-) via the box office.
18 December 2024, 7 pm
with works by
Gideon Klein: Streichtrio
Maurice Ravel: Sonate für Violine und Cello
Johannes Brahms: Klavierquartett Nr. 3 in c-moll Op. 60
and with Charlotte Thiele (Violine), Bryan Cheng (Violoncello), Karolina Errera (Viola) and Till Fellner (Klavier).
About Konzertleben e.V.
The association has been dedicated to
supporting freelance musicians since 2020. The aim is to enable
excellent musicians to survive in the commercial music business in the
long term after completing their studies. To the website of the